In the horse barn, there are five box stalls, although one is really more of a tack room. Eventually they will probably be removed so that the building can be used more efficiently, but in the mean time, I'm turning one of them into a gardening shed of sorts.

$15 worth of screw-in tool hangers from Canadian Tire took care of keeping our shovels and rakes off of the floor and stopping them from toppling over themselves every time we try and grab something. The hangers are only 94 cents each so I grabbed more than I needed because I'm sure I'll find more things to hang in here as we get settled in.

At some point, on the other side of the stall I'd like to build a table for a work surface, and I'd like it to have some drawers to keep things like seed packets and bulbs.

I have some cedar that my dad brought me that would be nice, and I have four farmhouse style table legs kicking around too that would be great for out here. I have no idea how to build a table, let alone a drawer, so that's not happening anytime soon. Especially since none of Mike's tools have moved in yet (which will likely inhabit another one of the box stalls). There's lots more wall space to go around even with a table in here.

Another bonus is that each stall also has a water tap. I don't know anything about gardening yet, but I assume running water might come in handy sometimes? Maybe not. Clearly I have no clue.
Aside from gardening stuff, bird seed will also live in here (which is why that extra wall space is appreciated). I need a proper storage solution for that otherwise mice will eat it all. And there will be fat mice running around that look like hamsters because they don't know how to stop eating when they are full.
Ask me how I know this.
I'm assuming someone is interested, so here goes.
When we first moved into the old house, I haphazardly threw a full bag of dog food from my fostering days into the basement. It was promptly forgotten about. Fast forward a few months later, and Mike and his dad were down in the basement and found the bag of dog food, except now it was empty. The little buggers had pilfered the entire bag, and ended up storing a bunch of it in the gap between a double brick wall in the basement. The mice had made themselves so fat that they couldn't even run from the cat. It was sort of like this.

Happy Friday!
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