
June 12, 2013

I think I owe you guys a bit of an explanation.

farm field soy beans

We don't own this whole property.

Of the 100 ish acres, Mike and I own only maybe 2. The rest is owned by his parents, who we co-purchased the entire property with. On paper it's a two-thirds, one-third split, with them owning the fields and us owning the house. What Mike and I got the house for is way under market value (thanks to my in-laws), and for that I am so unbelievably thankful.

As for the outbuildings, that's still sort of up in the air. The drive shed (which I haven't shared a picture of) is entirely Mike's Dad's for his equipment. Though we did sneak our snowblower in there...

As for the bank barn, it's basically empty. We have some stuff being stored in it from when we started renovating the upstairs in our old house, but that's about all that's in there. There's the potential for a corner of it to be used for chickens, but that conversation will happen when I'm ready to actually get some nuggets.

The horse barn will never house horses again - as long as we live here, anyway. Mike wants to build a bar out there, and it's also where the majority of his tools are going to live. The haymow has a huge amount of potential in it, too. But what that ends up being, who knows.

As for the old house, we're still working on it. We're incredibly lucky to be able to move into the new house so that we can finish what needs to be done in the old house without having to live in the construction. Again, big thanks to my in-laws! This honest-to-goodness would not be happening without them.

I just wanted to share all of that so you didn't have conspiracy theories running in your head about how we could go from a shack to a really nice house with a huge amount of property. Drug lords, we are not.

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