I only stayed for about an hour and a half because it was freezing cold, but even by then we had bought a few things. I missed out on an old wicker and leather fishing creel (pretty similar to this one) and I'm kicking myself for it now, because it only went for $35 and I see ones with no leather for $80+++ in antique stores all the time. Sometimes I'm way just way too cheap. And then other times things truly did go too far out of our price range, like a vintage butter churn (sort of like this) that both Mike and his mom were bidding on before it went too high. I think it went for $65.
Anyway, here's a peak at some of my favourite buys.
46 (yes, 46) grain sacks, $11.

They were pretty filthy after sitting around unused for who knows how long. They've all gone through the wash once, and whenever I go to use one, I'll wash it again with some bleach or other stain remover. With this many, I might end up selling some...but for now they're all coming with us to the new house.
The ever elusive lawn darts, $7.

Mike knew these were going to be there, and he was dead set on getting them. I think there was only one other guy who was half-heartedly interested in them, hence the $7 price tag. They haven't been sold in Canada since 1989 so they're definitely hard to come by! And really...if you use common sense they're not dangerous in the least.
Vintage cash register, $45.

This was our spendiest purchase of the day. It's works, but it's in pretty rough cosmetic condition. We might look at restoring it at some point (that chipping blue paint isn't original!), and it will likely end up as a display piece in our future bar area.
Sunday was spent finishing off priming the rooms upstairs. I'm hoping we'll be moving out of the living room soon!
What'd you get up to this weekend?
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